For TalentFor Companies

Hire 72,000 verified talent for full-time, contract and freelance jobs.

Access and hire 72,000 talent globally from across 142 countries for full-time, contract and freelance jobs. Post a job, view verified talent profiles and hire with trust and transparency.

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Trusted by leading Technology Enterprises, Backed by leading Venture Funds.

Find verified talent proficient in 1400+ skills.

Looking to fill specific roles? Find verified talent across all industries. Hire for remote, hybrid or onsite positions. Post full-time jobs, contract, freelance work Find, hire and pay talent all in one place!


Front End Developers

Back-End Developers

Software Engineers

App Developers

DevOps Engineer

Engineer Manager

Data Science Engineer

Principal Software Engineer

Staff Software Engineer

Machine Learning Engineer

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Steps of Verification

Proof of Identity

Proof of Personhood

Employment History

Education History




Powered by blockchain based talent verification

See a talent's full verification history, powered by Define Protocol.

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In-built invoicing, payroll and hiring support.

Flexibly hire talent directly on your payroll or let Outdefine manage project, contract and freelance roles on a month to month basis.

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