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Photo of Niha Mohanty

Niha Mohanty

Backend Engineer

Hamburg, Germany
Good Day,
I am actively seeking opportunities in the development field. With my experience mentioned in my profile and CV, please notify me of any similar chances. I'm even looking forward to working with SAP.
Niha Mohanty


Data Engineer


Full time contract11/2022 - 05/2023
  1. Implementation of Poerty in an existing project to manage library dependencies efficiently overcoming the challenges associated with setting up the development environment, and streamlining the project's workflow with the poetry framework.
  2. Managed CI/CD for the project's GitHub actions, ensuring smooth and automated processes.
Application Programmer

OSE open software engineering and Systemhaus GmbH

Full time contract09/2021 - 10/2022
  1. Developed an Android application using Kotlin to efficiently manage and track warehouse stock details.
  2. Upgraded an existing C# project to meet consumer demands and enhance functionality.
Research Assistant (HiWi)

Otto-von Guericke University

07/2019 - 11/2019
  1. Developed a CPP framework for adaptive data processing on a heterogeneous hardware environment, like CPU, GPU, for handling data-intensive applications with heterogeneous hardware platforms.
  2. Implemented basic wrappers to extract the different functionalities of a given system with the help of the OpenCL framework.
  3. Implemented parameterized wrappers to execute kernel codes in a hassle-free way, maintaining the stability of the framework.
Research Assistant (HiWi)

Otto-von Guericke University

08/2018 - 11/2018
  1. Research and developed Cuckoo Hashing technique in CPP environment using OpenCL framework in the parallel sorting process.
  2. Evaluated the efficiency of this technique.

MyPos Technologies Private Limited

Full time contract09/2016 - 10/2017
  1. Developed interactive REST Web Services in Spring framework and tested them using Postman.
  2. Created a CrudRepository interface to access the database table.
  3. Developed an application for controlling 3M CR100 Document Passport Reader Scanner from Windows OS with the help of tray icons with the help of Java classes.


Otto-von Guericke University

Data & Knowledge Engineering

03/2018 - 11/2022Master's DegreeClass of 2022
KotlinSQLGitJiraSpring BootNoSQL, HadoopPythonC++Unit-testing
ExperienceMid-level3-5 years
Hourly rate$30/hr

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