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Photo of Maria Abelarda Diaz Araque

Maria Abelarda Diaz Araque

Frontend Engineer

Mérida, Yucatán, México


Front End Developer


Full time contract07/2022 - 12/2022
  1. A 6-month intensive bootcamp (a bit more than 880hrs total), that simulates a work environment. We used scrum as agile methodology in our day to day.
  2. I had the opportunity to build 5 projects: 2 individually and 3 within a group.
  3. These were developed using React, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Git, GitHub, Node and Jest among others.
  4. For this experience, being self-taught, analytical, and communicative was very important.
  5. These projects can be seen in my GitHub link: https://github.com/laladiaz



Fron End Web Development

07/2022 - 12/2022BootcampClass of 2022
Universidad Simón Bolívar


09/2003 - 03/2010Bachelor's DegreeClass of 2010
Agile methodologiesJavascriptGit: Version controlCSSHTMLNodeUnit-testingReactGithub
ExperienceEntry-level1-3 years
Hourly rate$13/hr

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