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Photo of Manish Sehgal

Manish Sehgal

QA Engineer

New Delhi, Delhi, India
I am having 12 years of strong work experience as senior Automation Test Engineer in multiple domains
like FinTech, IOT, Insurance,Telecom, HR,Energy and Utilities. Currently working as Assistant Vice President
in HDFC Bank and responsible for complete test strategy and full stack automation for a program running
in the bank. I have good experience in programming languages (Java, Python, Javascript, VBScript) , BDD
approach (Cucumber), UI Automation (Selenium Webdriver, WebdriverIO, testNG, QTP/UFT) , API
Automation (RestAssured, Pytest, Postman) ,Mobile Automation (Appium), Cloud execution (Browserstack,
Headspin), build managment (Maven), Load Test (K6), test management (Jira, HP ALM), and CI & CD (Jenkins,
Docker, Kubernetes, Helm, Github, Gitlab, SVN).
automated testingJavaPythonAPI testingperformance testingGithubDevOpsquality assuranceJavacsriptCloud storage
ExperienceSenior-level8+ years
Hourly rate$20/hr

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