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Luis Lee

Frontend Engineer

Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico


Senior Frontend developer


Full time contract10/2019 - 06/2022
  1. • Designed and developed websites using ReactJS, Redux, Angular, Typescript, and Figma, ensuring high-quality code and exceptional user experiences.
  2. • Built hybrid apps for both iOS and Android using React Native, resulting in seamless performance across multiple platforms.
  3. • Integrated social login functionality with popular platforms such as Google, Apple, and Facebook, as well as payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, and bank transfer, streamlining the user experience.
  4. • Managed Git repositories and AWS S3, ensuring code integrity and accessibility for team members and stakeholders.
  5. • Optimized SEO and site performance through the use of NextJS and other techniques, resulting in increased traffic and user engagement.
  6. • Developed and executed unit tests using Jest, ensuring code quality and minimizing the risk of bugs or errors.
Full stack developer


Full time contract06/2017 - 10/2019
  1. • Designed and built multiple frontend projects with React, utilizing trending technologies like React Hooks, Higher-Order Components (HOCs), and lazy loading, and ensuring code quality through unit testing with Cypress.
  2. • Implemented responsive and visually appealing UI layouts using popular React component libraries such as Material-UI, Ant Design, and styled-components.
  3. • Integrated Redux for state management, Redux-Saga for handling asynchronous actions, and Formik with Yup validation for streamlined form handling and validation.
  4. • Ensured that all projects were pixel-perfect and mobile-friendly on both iOS and Android devices.
  5. • Developed REST API using NodeJS
Frontend developer


Full time contract06/2015 - 04/2017
  1. • Modernized and optimized legacy websites using modern web development tools and techniques such as ReactJS, Node.js, and Adobe XD, delivering user-friendly and visually appealing web experiences.
  2. • Improved site performance and security by implementing industry-standard security measures such as XSRF, CSRF, and JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication.
  3. • Utilized advanced animation tools like GSAP and AOS to add engaging and visually impressive animation effects to web pages.


University of Hong Kong

Computer Science

04/2011 - 04/2015Bachelor's DegreeClass of 2015


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Assessment badge

Completed assessment
Skill Verification
React.jsNodeJavaScriptGitAWSReduxDockerReact NativeTestingAngular
ExperienceSenior-level5-8 years
Hourly rate$30/hr


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    LuisLeeFrontend EngineerReactJS
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