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Photo of Juan Carlos Valerio Barreto

Juan Carlos Valerio Barreto

Frontend Engineer

Tequixquiac, State of Mexico, Mexico
As a seasoned Software Engineer with over a decade of hands-on experience, I've mastered JavaScript frameworks like Angular, Vue, React, and NodeJS, complemented by TypeScript. At Research Solutions, I pioneered 30% of the platform's gadgets using Angular. A highlight was the creation of a pivotal COVID-19 app, offering comprehensive daily and monthly summaries, thus unlocking access to over 80% of NCBI articles. Additionally, I fashioned an Office add-in for Outlook using React, enhancing the ease of access to Article Galaxy accounts. At NA-AT Technologies, my role was instrumental in revolutionizing HSBC's iBoarding module, leveraging Angular and NodeJS to halve the loan application process. My freelance ventures with industry giants like Banorte, MetLife, and Banregio stand testament to my adaptability, while at Vexilo, my acumen in UX/UI ensured top-ranked organic search results for numerous sites. My holistic approach, honed as a certified yoga instructor, infuses innovation in every project. Registered with the Mexican Tax Authorities (SAT) and equipped with a valid U.S. visa, I'm ready for diverse challenges. Engage with me to harness the synergy of my technical expertise for your objectives.


Software Engineer


Full time contract06/2023 - 09/2023
  1. As a Freelance Software Engineer, I specialize in creating web applications using Next.js, enhancing page load times and SEO. I leverage React for dynamic UIs and utilize TailwindCSS and Bootstrap for responsive designs. I've recently integrated AstroJS for optimized site performance. Using Vercel and Cloudflare, I ensure secure, global delivery of my projects. My adherence to these advanced technologies results in a consistent 95+ Lighthouse score, underscoring the quality of my work. Importantly, my dedication to clients is reflected in a 100% satisfaction rate throughout my career.
Software Engineer


Full time contract01/2023 - 05/2023
  1. At Softtek, I was pivotal in enhancing the SQL Diagnostic Manager. Using Angular, I developed dynamic UIs, and with NodeJS, I ensured a robust back-end. I integrated Highcharts, allowing intricate data visualization from 200 database instances. This not only improved the platform's capability but also streamlined decision-making, enabling teams to extract insights swiftly. Through the combination of Angular, NodeJS, and Highcharts, I significantly boosted database visualization and fostered better-informed decisions for users.
Frontend Developer

Research Solutions

Full time contract01/2017 - 01/2023
  1. I led the development of 30% of the platform's gadgets using Angular, optimizing workflows by 70% for clients and scientists. With a backend built on Python and NodeJS, I enhanced processing efficiency by 50%. I created the main interface for a gadget that provided daily and monthly summaries of Covid-19 articles, accessing 80% of NCBI's articles. Additionally, I developed an Outlook add-in using React, enabling easy access to Article Galaxy accounts' reference lists, aiming to enhance the platform's sales and rentals.
Frontend Developer

NA-AT Technologies

Full time contract09/2021 - 08/2022
  1. At NAAT Technologies, I pioneered the iBoarding module for HSBC's Commercial Banking (FAD) using Angular, Jenkins, Sonar Cloud, SonarLint, and Angular Material Design. This innovation led to a remarkable 50% reduction in time for signing and managing business loan applications.
Web Developer


Full time contract03/2015 - 12/2016
  1. Through leveraging JavaScript, CSS, and HTML, I effectively reduced the development time and cost of native applications by up to 50%. This efficiency was demonstrated across several projects, including apps for prominent banks such as Banorte, MetLife, and Banregio.
Web developer


Full time contract11/2013 - 03/2015
  1. Leveraging Google's best practices and W3C standards, I successfully optimized over ten websites and e-commerce platforms, achieving top-ranking positions in organic search results within a span of fewer than three months.


Universidad Bancaria de México

Computer Systems Engineer

08/2009 - 04/2013Bachelor's DegreeClass of 2013

My projects

Article Galaxy for Outlook

portfolio show

I led the creation of an Office add-in for Outlook with React, enabling easy access to Article Galaxy account references. This integration aimed to amplify sales and rentals on the Article Galaxy platform.

Role: Frontend Developer

Completed: 12/2022

Live project: https://bit.ly/3PnDi4E

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PythonNodeVueAngularReactAzureGoogle CloudAmazon Web ServicesReact NativeJavascript
ExperienceSenior-level8+ years
Hourly rate$25/hr
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