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Photo of Fabiano Soder

Fabiano Soder

Fullstack Engineer

Florianópolis, SC, Brasil
Six years experience of software development. Worked around a year as tech lead and actually I'm working as software engineering specialist since 10/2022. The main adjectives are resumed in
commitment and the seek for challenges. I love software and I'm always looking for evolution.

There go some of my main skills:
- Highly knowledge developing REST APIs.
- Good experience developing front-end applications.
- Good knowledge with a lot of databases such as oracle, sql server, mysql, mongodb.
- Good experience with authentication protocols.
- Basic knowledge with CI/CD.
- Good experience with kubernetes, scalability and high-availability with web applications.
- Good experience with microservices architecture.
- Good experience leading technical teams.


Software Developer


Full time contract09/2018 - 08/2022
  1. Created a custom logging system to capture and
  2. store system data for debugging and analytics
  3. Implemented a microservices architecture that
  4. improved system modularity and reduced
  5. dependencies between components
  6. Integrated third-party services into the
  7. application to increase functionality
  8. Built a scalable, high-availability system that
  9. handled concurrent users with minimal
  10. downtime
  11. Optimized web application performance through
  12. code refactoring and optimization
  13. Oing caching and using memoryefficient data structures
  14. Developed a RESTful API that served as the
  15. backend for a web application, improving
  16. scalability and reducing latency
  17. Implemented an authentication system using
  18. OAuth 2.0 that improved security and reduced
  19. user-facing errors
  20. Refactored existing code to improve readability
  21. and maintainability, resulting in a reduction in
  22. development time


Instituto Federal de Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Sul - Campus Feliz

System Analysis and Development

01/2017 - 03/2021Bachelor's DegreeClass of 2021
Web implementationJavaPythonMySQLMongoDBGithubFeature implementationFull stack maintenanceProblem solverNode
ExperienceSenior-level5-8 years
Hourly rate$40/hr
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