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Photo of Danish Ali

Danish Ali

.Net Developer

Lahore, Pakistan
Experienced software engineer specializing in C#, ASP.NET, SQL, and Agile development. Proven track record of efficient project delivery with high-quality code.
I always find a challenging task exciting. Transforming complex problems to elegant code and processes keeps me sane. Eager to contribute expertise to dynamic projects that create impact and drive results.


Senior Software Engineering

Strategic Systems International

Full time contract06/2023 - 08/2023
  1. Collaboration with stakeholders to find pain points and addressing them coherently for smooth workflow
  2. Optimized existing approaches to tackle Agile development
  3. Facilitated deployment of features employing Azure Pipelines to AWS Elastic Container Service using Docker images in a microservices architecture
Software Engineer

Strategic Systems International

Full time contract07/2021 - 05/2023
  1. Worked with an Agile team to develop a platform for a US Healthcare client which provides services to manage contingent labor, streamline hiring, save time and manage expenditures.
  2. Migration to Elastic Search Indices for faster response times
  3. Delivering scalable and optimized code
  4. Proactive problem solver



Computer Science

07/2017 - 08/2021Bachelor's DegreeClass of 2021
C#TypeScriptSQL ServerProblem-solvingOptimizationDevOpsAWSWeb design.NETGit
ExperienceMid-level1-3 years
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A free tokenized community dedicated to connecting global tech talent with remote job opportunities. Our platform is designed to help you connect, learn, and earn in the tech industry while providing the chance to collect DEF tokens. Join our vibrant community today and explore a world of possibilities for your tech career!