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Photo of Daniel Ramirez

Daniel Ramirez

Frontend Engineer

Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico
Passionate and skilled Front-End Developer with over 5 years of experience building dynamic and engaging web applications using a range of cutting-edge technologies. I have a strong background in React, SASS, and REST APIs, as well as .NET Core and SQL Server. Have worked on projects ranging from real-time dashboards for manufacturing industries to IoT device management systems for major clients.

In my most recent role, I was a key member of the team responsible for a major rework of a web application, which involved creating a modern, responsive, and highly interactive UI/UX that greatly improved device management and configuration for clients.

With a deep commitment to quality and a constant desire to learn and improve, I am dedicated to delivering outstanding results and exceeding client expectations.


Front End Developer

JonaJo Consulting

Full time contract11/2021 - 05/2023
  1. - Contribute to the development of a major rework of a web application, with a focus on managing and configuring various IoT devices including gateways, sensors, switches, plugloads, and thermometers.
  2. - Designed and implemented a modern and responsive UI/UX, including a dynamic map with a floorplan that provides users with a comprehensive overview of device locations, statuses, and configurations.
  3. - Leveraged React and OpenLayers to create a highly interactive and customizable map that allows users to hover, click, drag, and drop devices, and access detailed device information and configuration options.
  4. - Implemented a report section that generates comprehensive reports and dashboards that summarize key device metrics, including occupancy heatmap, network status, and temperature.
  5. - Created a flexible and intuitive device grouping system that enables users to create, update, and edit device groups by type or physical location.
  6. - Collaborated closely with cross-functional teams, including designers, product managers, and developers, to ensure the application met all functional and technical requirements, resulting in a highly successful product that has greatly improved device management and configuration for clients.
  7. - Conducted technical interviews for React developer candidates, assessing their proficiency in React, Redux, and related technologies, as well as their problem-solving and collaboration skills.


Universidad Tecnologica de Coahuila

Information Technologies

01/2019 - 01/2021Bachelor's DegreeClass of 2021
ReactJavaScriptC#CSSTypeScriptSoftware developmentKnowledge CSS3.NETSQL ServerNode
ExperienceSenior-level5-8 years
Hourly rate$25/hr
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