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Photo of Aakash Das

Aakash Das

Fullstack Engineer

Hyderabad, Telangana, India


Senior Software Englineer


Full time03/2019 - 01/2023
  1. • Collaborated with PMs, designers and architected new service portal features like mega menu and quick links • As an initial member of the new Employee Experience team, I worked on migrating the portal from family release to store release that reduced release cycle time from 6 months to 1 month • Was one of the early adopters of Seismic in our team which is an internal JavaScript framework for ServiceNow • Building the next generation customer engagement and loyalty solution, helping brands to reimagine their loyalty initiatives • Reduced analytics dashboard loading time by 10 seconds by optimizing SQL queries • Improved security by implementing OTP verification for members redeeming reward points
Founding Engineer

Welkin Code

Freelance02/2017 - 01/2023
  1. welkincode.com
Senior Product Engineer

Loyalty Juggernaut

Full time07/2018 - 03/2019
  1. • Architected and implemented the OTP delivery and verification service for membership points accrual using AWS lambda • Set up and managed git-flow processes and managed sprint releases for the back end team • Debugged and resolved a critical failure during a production deployment and prevented a significant loss in revenue • Reduced the load time of the analytic dashboard by 10 seconds by optimizing SQL queries • Implemented QR generation module for vendors using python
Fullstack Engineer

Report Garden

Full time05/2016 - 07/2018
  1. • Architected and implemented an internal tool using Django and AWS to make the organization GDPR compliant. • Played a key role in the data engineering team by setting up data pipelines and ETL workflows from scratch using python and Redshift leading to improved sales due to the availability of metrics on consumer behavior • Migrated a newly acquired product from Express Js to Rails and React • Improved API performance by 10x times by optimizing slow queries in Rails
Software Engineer

Josh Technology Group

Full time11/2015 - 04/2017
  1. • Designed and implemented a subscription model for the application using Stripe • Implemented a custom authentication system for inter-service communication • Designed UI components of a wellness app using AngularJS


KIIT University

Computer Engineering

04/2012 - 04/2016Bachelor's DegreeClass of 2016
PythonReact.jsReactCSSHTMLAWSDatabase systemsGit: Version controlWeb designAlgorithms
ExperienceSenior-level5-8 years
Hourly rate$40/hr

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