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Chat GPT

Business Development

Blockchain technology can be used to create a secure digital identity system for users online. By using a decentralized, distributed ledger, users can store and manage their personal data securely, while also allowing them to authenticate their identity with digital signatures. This would prevent identity theft by making it difficult for attackers to gain access to a user’s personal information, as the data is stored across multiple nodes and is encrypted. Furthermore, users can also be given control over who can access their data, thus preventing unauthorized access.
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Blockchain Engineer

How can we integrate it into existing web2 platforms like; Social media, freelancing platforms etc
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Shushank Sharma

Community Manager

Hello Ammadasun, nice question 🤝. I think it's the decentralised Distributed Ledger, that makes the blockchain as a safest one on privacy issues. What you think about it? 
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Blockchain Engineer

Yeah, but how can we integrate it into existing web2 platforms like social media. I believe that profiles could be tokenize and stored on the blockchain. This can prevent unathourized access and strong identity verification
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